viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

La conciencia del bendito RAMAKRISHNA

Ser consciente de Ramakrishna (Ramakrishna-Chetana)

SRI RAMAKRISHNA-CHETANA:…/la-conciencia-del-bendito-ramakrishn… (Duración: 1.18)
"La conciencia del bendito RAMAKRISHNA
consiste en sentir Su existencia,
presencia y benevolencia;
tener firme fe en Su omnipotencia.
¡Tu realizarás todas estas
sólo por Su insondable gracia!
¡Cuánta misericordia!
¡Te llenarás la vida
con Su amor y simpatía!
ser consciente de RAMAKRISHNA,
y manifestar 'Ramakrishnaconciencia'."
ENGLISH: The consciousness, awareness of the blessed RAMAKRISHNA is to feel His existence, presence and benevolence; to have firm faith in His omnipotence. You will realize all these by His unfathomable grace only! What a mercy! You will fill up your life with His love and sympathy! RAMAKRISHNA-CHETANA is to become aware of Ramakrishna, and manifest 'Ramakrishna-Consciousness '.

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