martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

'Seguramente ya' CORO por CCSV


Photo: Joyful-Woman-bohocircus
 (Taken from Google images : Internet)

Seguramente ¡ya!
no hay razón para permanecer
con esa cara pávida.
Tú eres la parte de la Intrépida,
Ramakrishna veía en tus rasgos
aquella divina Bondadosa
¡Tú, en verdad, eres muy valiosa!
Globalmente ¡ya!
que se sacudan la feminidad
con toda grandeza
no más padecer,
que la mujer aparezca con sutileza.
Ramakrishna te alaba
como una maravillosa
¡Tú, en verdad, eres muy valiosa!
Seguramente, ¡ya!
tú no podrás más ser una cosa escasa,
ya comienzas a manifestar toda tu destreza,
a mostrarte como gloriosa.
Ramakrishna te adoraba
como aquella gran Diosa,
¡Tú, en verdad, eres muy valiosa!


Certainly there is no more any reason for you to continue with a worried face! You are part of the Intrepid Divine! Ramakrishna used to see in your features that Divine Kindhearted One (MOTHER). You are indeed very much valuable! Let the womankind, throughout the world, stir up with all greatness. No more suffering! Let all women appear with their subtlety! Ramakrishna used to praise you as wonderful! You are indeed of much value! Surely you cannot remain to be as an ordinary being anymore. Right now begin to manifest your all dexterity to show your own glory. Ramakrishna adored you as that great Goddess! You are really very much valuable!

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