(Photo by Girlfriends. Rebecca F. Parsons, International Women's day).
"Una sociedad humana desarrollada
honra dignamente a este privilegiado ser,
a la bendita mujer.
Para evitar todo malestar,
para no arruinarse,
para continuamente crecer,
nunca jamás atreverse a indignar,
humillar a ninguna mujer.
¡La bendita mujer!
La mujer es la más delicada creación del Creador,
como la madre, hija, hermana, esposa,
amiga de aquel mismo Ser.
¡La bendita mujer!
A la consciencia femenina
todos deben honrarla
cumpliendo su propio deber.
¡La bendita mujer!"
-(por Ramakrishnadas)
English: A developed human society honors with dignity this vantage self, the blessed woman. To avoid all bad situations, to avoid your own destruction, to grow continuously, never dare to cause any indignation, humiliation to any woman. The woman is blessed! The woman is the most delicate creation of the Creator, of that same Self, as the mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend. The woman is blessed! Everybody, fulfilling his own duty, must honor the Female Consciousness. The woman is blessed!
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