domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

SHARANAM’ es entregarte, refugiarte, cobijarte, dedicarte y olvidarte

"‘SHARANAM’ es entregarte, refugiarte,
cobijarte, dedicarte y olvidarte;
es lograr el estado de la paz entregandote,
abandonando todo esfuerzo consciente
por distinguirte;
volviéndote humilde para salvarte,
sin juzgarte siempre observarte;
con espíritu de prosternarte
ante Dios disfrutarte.
a darte, darte, darte!"...
- ‘SHARANAM’ is surrendering yourself. It is to take refuge, shelter, dedicate, and forget yourself. It is to achieve a state of giving yourself peace by abandoning all conscious effort to be distinguished; to be humble to save yourself, always watching yourself without any judging; enjoying yourself with a spirit of prostrating before God. Ramakrishna encourages you to give yourself, to give yourself, to give yourself!

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