martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

La adoración de Sri Ramakrishna por las mujeres era extraordinaria

"La adoración de Sri Ramakrishna por las mujeres era extraordinaria. Él despositó en ellas todo el reconocimiento y la confianza. Para Él, todas eran formas de la Divina Madre. Fueron muy altos Su amor y respeto por Su madre, por Su gurú (Maestro) la Bhairavi Brahmani, por Su consorte espiritual Sarada Devi y por todas las otras mujeres con quienes tuvo contacto durante Su vida". - (Ramakrishnadas)

ENGLISH: The adoration of Sri Ramakrishna to women was extraordinary. He showed to them all the recognition and trust. To Him, all of them were the forms of the Divine Mother. He had deep love and respect for His mother, for His guru (teacher) the Bhairavi Brahmani, for His spiritual consort Sarada Devi, and all the other women with whom He had contact during his life.

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