jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte..

Cantada por  Maria Laura C., Florencia B., Eduardo T.

"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte

"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte;

es para refugiarte, para cobijarte;

es para dedicarte y olvidarte;

¡A Dios Todo-compasivo darte, darte, darte!
"Sharanam" es el suplicar para someterte;
a la voluntad divina entregarte;
¡Oh mente! es para darte, darte, darte;
¡A Dios Todo-conocedor darte, darte, darte!

English Translation:
"Sharanam" is repeated surrendering yourself. It is to take refuge and shelter. It is to dedicate and forget yourself. It is giving yourself repeatedly to All-merciful God.. "Sharanam" is praying with your submission. It is surrendering to the divine will. Oh mind! It is giving yourself again and again to the All-knowing God.

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