martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Sri Ramakrishna Hablaba Así- (18) -10/9/13, La Mundanalidad; con tonaditas

Sri Ramakrishna Hablaba Así- (18) -10/9/13, La Mundanalidad; con tonaditas (Duración:1.54)

"¡Ramakrishna Prabho! ¡Ramakrishna Guro!
¡Dehi Sharanam! ¡Prabho! ¡Dehi Sharanam!
¡Dehi Sharanam! ¡Guro! ¡Dehi Sharanam!" - (SP)

(en Español): Oh, Señor Ramakrishna! ¡Oh, Maestro!
¡Dame refugio, oh Señor! ¡Dame refugio, oh Maestro!

Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna: "Iron appears red-hot in the furnace, but becomes black soon after it is taken out. In the same way worldly men are full of religious emotion as long as they are in temple or in the society of the pious; but no sooner do they leave these associations, than the flood of devotion in them subsides.

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