Readings/Lecturas-(16) -30/8/13- Con 'Tonaditas'(Dhun): (Duración: 1.39):
Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna(885): (In English): "Sea-water appears dark-blue from a distance, but when you take a little of it in your hand, it is all pure and limpid. So Lord Krishna appears azure from a distance, but He is not really so. He is the Absolute, taintless and colorless.
La Sagrada Enseñanza de Sri Ramakrishna(886): El agua del mar, vista de lejos, parece azul oscura, pero si tomas un poco de esa misma agua en tu mano, verás que es pura y límpida. Asimismo, Krishna aparece azul desde lejos, pero en realidad no es así. Él es lo Absoluto, inmaculado e incoloro.
"¡Siempre Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna alabaré!
¡Sri Guru Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna cantaré!
¡La Presencia divina en el corazón, a Ramakrishna adoraré!
¡Gracia, pureza, armonía, paz, a Ramakrishna honraré!" - (SP)
ENGLISH Translation: I will always praise Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna! I will always sing to Guru Ramakrishna! I will adore the divine presence of Ramakrishna! I will honor Ramakrishna as grace, purity, harmony and peace!
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